​Stutsman County, North Dakota
Soil Conservation District
& 319 Watershed Projects
Click on icon below to view order form
Tree Order Form
for 2023 planting season

Click box below to access the ND Tree Handbook for photos, growth habits etc:
Click icon below to view
"Plants that Deer Like and Dislike"

Trees and Products for Sale
SCD Tree Planting Prices: $60 per 100 feet ($600 min.)
Weed Barrier Fabric: .60 per foot
$150 per 500 ft. roll
$90 per 100 feet for fabric applied by SCD ($900 min.)
Fabric Staples: 0.20 each
Flags: Short $8.00/bundle Tall $9.00/bundle
Handplant Tree Prices:
Conservation-Grade Trees: $2.00 each
Bundle of 25 Conservation Grade: $45.00/bundle
2’-4’ Trees: $5.00 each/ where available
1 Gallon: $15.00 each (Conifers only where available)
Tree Tubes (Tube and stake) $9.00 each
Tree Mats $4.00 each
Plantskydd Deer Repellant
3.5 lb Granular $32.95 (1750 sq. ft)
1 Qt. bottle Premixed: $21.95
1.32 gal Premixed: $79.95
1 lb. box (makes 4 qts) $35.95
1 Qt. pump sprayer (Empty) $12.95
PureSpray Green (Kills Insects) $19.99
Clear Choice (Kills Weeds) $19.99
Equipment Offered by the Stutsman County SCD
To schedule Call 701-252-2521 ext 3
Ask for Dustin

No-Till 8 Row
Interseeding Planter
$20.00/ac - 175 acre maximum
In order to increase biodiversity, benefit soil health and increase nutrient cycling, cover crops are interseeded into growing corn. Emphasis is placed on other crop types such as cool season legumes and broadleaves, and cool season grasses. The planter can be rented for this purpose as well as for seeding corn.
Hayfield and pasture aeration increases productivity. As the aerator's blades spiral into the ground, slicing through the rhizomes, it stimulates growth and breaks up soil compaction. With the aerator's "No-Till" system, the ground behind remains smooth and not turned over like old conventional methods. Aeration increases productivity by keeping soils loosened and opened up to allow fertilizer and rain to absorb, eliminating erosion and runoff. Also useful in CRP Maintenance.

We provide a tractor and operator, with the aerator for $17.00/acre plus fuel